Venice, a unique city

During April 2018, we ticked off another item in our bucket list by visiting Venice.

I'd tried very hard not to listen to all the people who raved about it saying how fantastic it was. Instead I concentrated on all the negatives I could find: ridiculously early start (3:30am) to get to the airport; and ridiculously late arrival back home (1:00am). I really didn't want the holiday to fail to live up to my expectations.

I needn't have bothered, Venice was wonderful. A unique city that's fascinating to explore. We walked miles every day, ate well and drank... er... well.

I can thoroughly recommend this to anyone who hasn't been. Avoid the summer months and bear in mind that children may well find it boring. If they're teenagers, they probably find most things boring to be honest.

Anyway, here's the video:


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